The ride to the theater was a little harrowing. I dread riding downtown on Friday & Saturday nights. The roads are full of drunken idiots & out of town (LOOKING AT YOU MARYLAND) clueless drivers looking to go "clubbing". Even though it's a straight shot down 11th St the entire way, I have to dodge double parkers, valets, u-turners & pedestrians trying to cross mid-block by popping out from between cars. *sigh*.
I made it in one piece with plenty of time to spare. I even had time to stop at the concession stand for some sweet potato tots (meh) and water (I miss beer).
Riding back was a bit better. It wasn't quite last call yet, so most of the drunken morons were still in the bars & clubs and not on the streets (yet). I took my time and enjoyed the first full moon of Spring (the pink moon). Looking forward to a nice long ride this weekend.
Ample on-street bike parking in front of the theater.

Sweet potato tots. I was a little disappointed.

This is some sort of art installation I pass everyday. It says " Remember Me" with "The Original People" in neon on top. I assume it's for some exhibit at the Meriuan Center, but I can't be bothered to look it up.

Really crappy picture of the full moon.

Miles: 5.25
Beers not consumed: All of them
Times I wondered why people clap during movies-it's a MOVIE the actors CAN'T HEAR YOU: every single time.
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