As the day wore on, the sun peeked out and it began to get warmer outside. I headed out on Betty and settled on an easy ride downtown.
I stopped along the way to say hello to a friend.

Then rode down my usual route: 15th St cycle track & Penn ave bike lanes.
Obligatory White House photo:

Rolling down Penn Ave.

I rode to the Capitol and then back home. Since it was such a nice evening outside, I convinced The Boy to come back out with me. We rose down to the Hirschhorn and watched a bit of Song 1.

Blurry phone pics :-)
Unfortunately neither of us checked The Boy's tire pressure before we left (he hasn't ridden in awhile) and he was running nearly on empty. We ended up walking most of the way back. But it was a nice night anyway.
And so ends 30 Days of Biking. I really enjoyed this year's challenge. Unlike previous years, I did not count any work-related riding in my totals. So keep in mind that I've also been riding a bicycle at work as well.
This past month has taken me to many different places in DC, such as Nationals Park, the White House, the Capitol, all sorts of Memorials, Hains Point & Friday Coffee Club. It also took me out to Mt. Vernon and down the C&O towpath. Some rides were better than others, some were longer than others. Still, every day I got back in the saddle.
I hope you enjoyed 30 Days of Biking as much as I did.
Now you can look forward to me prattling on about the Unity Tour (in 10 days!!). Thanks to all of you, I've reached my fundraising goal (the widget on the side hadn't been updated with my offline donations yet), so now I just need to focus on getting ready for the ride itself. Stay tuned!
Miles: 14.3
April Miles: 267
Flat tires: 1
Hills cursed: all of them
Great work for the month, especially since you only counted fun rides. Good luck on the tour!